Show Your Lighthouse Support - Become a Sponsor

Our Past Annual 5K Run/Walk to Benefit the Lighthouse succeeded in raising thousands of dollars, and was a ton of fun for all who participated.  We are now actively planning our 2019 Lighthouse 5K, and we need you and your business as sponsors!  To help to sponsor the 2019 5K please contact us at or call 516-288-6124.

Contribute $10,000 - We will name the Race after you or your company!!  That's a lot of publicity.  And everything below.

Contribute $1,000 - You will see full brand recognition on all our publicity, as well as the benefits below.

Contribute $500 - Your company name will be on our banners as well as the benefits below.

Contribute $250 - See your company name on our Race T-shirt

Thanks to both EventPowerLi and Karen Rubin for these photos.

Keep up with the latest about the Lighthouse, and the status of its renovation.  Here is one recent article about plans.

And read about the engineer's report here.

And here is the most recent news. (12/17)

Work is expected to begin on the dock this September!  Watch for it.  Once the dock is in place, work can begin on the Lighthouse itself.

To register to Walk/Run in the 2019 5K on October 6, click here

Our 2017 5K Run/Walk was enjoyed by hundreds of runners, walkers, helpers, and spectators.

Now!  You can support the Lighthouse by shopping at West Marine for your Boating, Fishing and watersports needs.  Click on this link to get started at West Marine.

Read a wonderful article from the Kings PointerMagazine

                                 Click Here

Watch a 4-minute Video on YouTube

                                 Click Here

Stepping Stones Lighthouse Preservation Project

Stepping Stones Lighthouse was built in 1876 to warn mariners of a shoal and extensive rocks that extend into Long Island Sound northward from Kings Point.  Built in the Victorian Second Empire style, it was modernized in 1944, and remains a vital aid to navigation to this day.  The lighthouse itself is in poor condition, and needs to be repaired.  If it decays any further, there is a strong probability that it will be demolished, and a navigational beacon erected in its place.  Please help us restore this piece of our history!  It has been estimated that the needed repairs will cost in the range of $4 million.

The Lighthouse now has its own website - visit it at

News & Information About The Stepping Stones Lighthouse

History of the lighthouse:

History at the Coast Guard website:

Here's a great article from the NY Times about preserving Lighthouses

Newspaper articles about the lighthouse and the Historical Society:

This link has a video after the commercial:

Report of the Town Historian - accurate as of August, 2012

Great Neck Record article about Town, Park District, Historical Society Partnership, August, 2014

Great Neck Record article about our Organizational meeting:

So many articles about our 5K Walk/Run fundraiser:

You may be interesting in reading about the National Lighthouse Museum and the activities they sponsor.

Donate To The Preservation Project:

You can make a tax deductible contribution to the Great Neck Historical Society’s Lighthouse Fund by clicking the PayPal link.  All funds donated to the Lighthouse Fund will be used exclusively for that purpose. Click here.

Help Us Preserve The Stepping Stones Lighthouse!

The Lighthouse, visible from Steppingstone Park and the Throgs Neck Bridge is in a serious state of decay: there is a hole in the roof, as well as in the foundation.  If it is not saved, the Coast Guard might well tear it down, and just erect a navigational beacon.  Don’t let this happen to our lighthouse!  Donate to this restoration project by clicking here.